This will make me sound like I'm spiritual or something. I'm certainly not, and I'm not trying to be. This is just me.
When I was in high school, I honestly wanted to be hot on God's trail. In my world, however, the only way I knew to do that was to be super involved at 'church' (this is what I'd been taught, you see: having a strong relationship with 'church'+doing what they say=strong relationship with Jesus). This produced two things in me: 1) an overdeveloped sense of my own shortcomings. I could list my failures in a heartbeat (this is something I still deal with, as if the point of the gospel is making Steven sin-free). I brooded over my own grossness ad naseum, having been trained to think that self-condemnation was somehow holy or humble. 2) an underdeveloped knowledge of God. I actually suggested to my youth minister that they teach us more about who God is, what He's like. I thought that maybe, if we could see Him as He is, we might become like Him (I John 3:2). I was told that what young people face is peer pressure, sexual pressure, and pressure to use drugs, so that's what we needed to address. I hated all that. I wasn't interested, even in the peer pressure that I faced. I wanted to know more about God. I see, now, that my youth leaders probably WERE sharing everything they knew about God, which was rules and morality.
That I John verse, along with verses like II Cor 3:18, seems to suggest that we DO, in fact, become like that which we behold. But that sin-consciousness junk produces--what else?--an unending loop of sin and frustration in us. This is gross, and there is nothing in this system itself that can deliver someone from its orbit.
The deal, man, is NOT how much evil you can get out of your life. The deal is getting more of God. Period. He is love, and His love is better than life. Psalm 63. If you pursue love, you will find life. Proverbs 21. You should live a life characterized by, more than anything else, love. Ephesians 5. You should make sure that you keep yourself in God's love. Jude 1. I was not taught to live in God's love. I was taught to keep a watch out for sin, then go after that sin, not God. This is bizarre when you think about it, and all it could ever produce is pride when you succeed and condemnation when you fail. Long term, we all fail.
Let's get back to that I John 3:2. I wish somebody had tattooed this on my Little Jesus-Lover Quiet Time Guide when I was a youngster. Let me put the whole thing out here, with my thoughts added in:
"Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known."
This right here is wonderful. We need to think of ourselves as children of God. That's foundational. THEN, we need to understand that it's God's right to define us, and expect Him to do so more and more as we walk with Him. He will tell us that we ARE things we never thought we could be, and that we're NOT things that we'd always assumed we were. What a great thing to know!
"But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."
So that's the whole thing--staring at God, knowing that we'll become like what we stare at. People who behold God's glory become glorious (Moses, Jesus, John, Isaiah, etc. ...hello?). This was David's desire for his whole life (Ps 27).
John 17:3--this is life: knowing God.