Holy smokes; I just had an incredible conversation. I'm gonna sit down and write about it so that:
-I'll have more time to think about it and savor/evaluate it, and
-you can hear this wonderful truth, as well. Recall the verse, "Whoever has blogs to download, let him comment."
Now, Dora and I have learned from God via Peb and ace and others about all this 'evil spirit' mumbo jumbo, and one thing we've learned is that the enemy will use patterns of behavior and thought to wrap a big fat chain around our necks, by which he intends to tether us to death and not-Godness. One of the commonest things I've seen in my world is a tendency toward performance: that is, a tendency to work things out for myself, engineer my own protection or provision, or to make myself feel acceptable to God and others. Not good. If you're real quick, that last sentence might have sounded like "the law" (I'm using that phrase in a pauline sort of referential way). That's because performance feeds right into the law, which is religious. And I mean religious not in a James-said-true-religion-is-taking-care-of-widows-and-orphans kind of way, but in an if-I-go-to-church-every-Sunday-I-have-a-relationship-with-God kind of empty, dirty, and deceived way.
I know I'm talking fast here, but give me some more rope.
What I'm seeing is that performance and religion are close friends, and the devil uses them often in conjunction with one another. (It's like, what are you going to put in hot chocolate, besides marshmallows? Of course it's marshmallows! Duh!? Nothing else makes much sense. They just go together!) Anyhow, another thing performance and religion have in common, besides an unspoken (or sometimes overt) appeal to the law, is that they both appeal to the mind. They put forth effort to exalt the mind as God, and to give it plenty of room to operate and hold forth. The mind, of course, is greatly gratified by this power, and wants nothing more than to hold onto it, dictate to every other part of you, and generally run the show from its control tower right behind your eyebrows.
Here's where it gets interesting. This girl I'm talking to, Jill, she says that God's just been showing her how much performance has been a part of her life, and how much she goes to God with this attitude that "if I think well, hard, and often, I can 'get God' in this moment." She said "It never works, but I always try to go to him that way. When I do, though, try to have a lot of good 'God thoughts' and intend to think so well that I end up 'in his presence', I ALWAYS feel resisted by him, as though He is saying 'Well, you just won't have me that way.' I don't play that game."
Now that much, right there, is fascinating on its own. What we basically say is, "Yes, God, having Jesus die on the cross was good in an existential, save-my-soul-and-pay-for-my-sins kind of way, but getting you RIGHT NOW is up to me and my effort. Okay... HERE WE GOOOOO!!!!!! [Giant grunting sound of religious effort here.]" Sound like anybody's "quiet time"? Sounds like mine, LOTS of times. Then we end up frustrated by that, like my friend Jill, because God just won't be had that way. You CANNOT walk down the road of performance and self-rightousness and find God at the end of that road. Ain't gonna happen. So we end up exasperated, and it feels like God's playing hard to get. Then we come to God, like the older brother in the prodigal son story, and say "hey. I'm busting my butt out here, and I can't get any attention from you. I don't feel affirmed; I don't feel like I'm the object of your affection. What gives?" And he says (now listen close to this, because it's an affront to your mind's message and methods)... "My SON [important word there. Denotes relationship that has NOTHING to do with performance. This is not an employee; it's not a soldier, or even a servant.], I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU, AND ALL I HAVE IS YOURS..." God says, "Maybe you can explain to me why you're putting forth so much effort to 'get me' when I'm always with you. That sounds frustrating to Me, too! Maybe you just need to come to the faith-based realization that I'm ALWAYS with you, and ALL I HAVE IS YOURS. You're exhausting yourself, there, kiddo, and my desire is that your lay down in green pastures, beside quiet waters, and have your soul restored. But boy are you working yourself up, here." Even when I write this stuff, I can hear/feel my spirit saying "Awwww yeah. That's what it is, Jack. I know He's always right here. I been telling you that, but you're up there consorting with your mind..."
What I'm familiar with is the feeling of giving in, of resignation, and thinking "Well, this is what relationship with God feels like. I think things, and He does or doesn't (okay, doesn't) respond, so I just do whatever I can toward him, and sit here feeling kind of neglected. Yeah... I guess this is relationship with God. Well, hallelujah I guess..." Not life. Not fullness. Not God.
Back to Jill. She told me the other branch at the end of this performance street: Defeat. "I was walking just this morning, and I was doing this stupid thing where I try to think my way into God's presence, into feeling close to Him, and I'm just feeling frustrated, like a failure [a common tendency for performers]. Because it sooo not working, this thought then runs across my brain: 'Am I even in a relationship with God?'"
Now this, I find STUNNING. I feel like Jill being honest with me outed the devil and his schemes. I was more familiar with that one branch, resignation and coping, but then Jill tells me about this other branch, where you throw your hands up and decide that, because you're not finding him with your mind, God cannot be found. Either branch is a huge win for the enemy. In either case, we're separated from the life of God. It's amazing to think that, by making a simple choice like pursuing God with my mind leading the way, I can end up being convinced that He isn't with me, He doesn't love me, and He's not engaged in my world at all--that He is unfindable. What a coup by the enemy!
Thankfully, God warned us about this road several times in the Scriptures. Here's one:
"...you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their minds, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.
But this is not how you've learned of Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness." Ephesians 4:17-24
Thanks be to Jill, for being honest and real with me today. I'm getting it more and more. Fie on this Getting To God With Efforts brand of religious gobbledegook. More of the GOOD news, which sounds a lot more like this: "My son, I am always with you, and all I have is yours..."