We are all coverers, to some degree, of who we really are, yet we are all desperate longers that someone might truly know us, and love us in spite of that knowledge. We use what power we have (and are jealous over) to scream "I don't want power! I'm better than that!" We do religious acts and deeds that will be called good, even when we don't want to, in order to not be more closely inspected. We attempt to communicate "These are the kinds of things I really WANT to do, everybody! Check out the goodness!"
What was the VERY FIRST THING that Adam and Eve did (separately?) when they discovered their brokenness? They immediately went out and found covering for themselves. Imagine how stupid and silly they were to walk around in front of each other like that, as if the other would forget what they really looked like? As if Adam could say, "Oh sure, Eve. I always wear this. No, no--it's just more civilized, I feel. I mean, yeah. We wear fig leaves!" Eve is thinking "No we don't you poser! We look stupid! We've never worn these!" Of course, Eve wouldn't necessarily want to challenge Adam on his phony posturing, since she wanted some security that she wouldn't be outed from HER place of hiding.
It is God's intention that each of us come "out into a spacious place" (Psalm 18:19), and we best do that, not by confessing "just between me and God" but by confessing one to another. We come out of hiding. We bring our brokenness to the table. We really act as if we live in a community of priests who have the spiritual muscle to pronounce God's words of healing to us.
Now, all that's kinda elementary stuff. Here's the high school-level point, for me. At that point when people are willing to confess their perversion to us, to tell us about their self-degredation because they don't know how valuable and perfect they are to God, or to reveal their inflated view of their own goodness, because they're oblivious to the eternal nature of sin and the fact that it comes in and out of them like breath, THIS is the salient moment. For most, this is the moment when we're tempted to look away. This is the moment when we're disgusted at one another, when we're disappointed with one another, when we're JUST SO DONE WITH HIM/HER. Our patience and fleshy 'love' are exhausted, and we're left with a big pile of our OWN brokenness. That is to say, their sin provokes us to our own sin, and we learn that we, too, are broken, not quite eternally loving, and ourselves in need of healing. At the point that I lose patience with you, or feel exhausted of love over you, or lose peace because of you, or am no longer kind, or lose self-control, **I** need healing. I need confession.
But that point where we get turned off or frustrated or 'done' is the same point where God says, to us and all offenders, "Yes. This is the point I was waiting for. The facade is broken. You can't posture your way out of that one. The truth is that you're incomplete. You've not been made perfect in love. You've not yet been conformed into the image of my Son. Can you see it? It's very plain." I was struck today with the different reactions to people's open sinfulness: we cringe, Jesus smiles. He's not offended, he's not surprised, and he's not going anywhere.
A friend loves at all times.
I resolved today that, the next time I am shown someone's abject perversion, their simple degenerate humanness, their own effect of being born under a curse, I will certainly not shrink back from the moment. I will get excited about the fact that I'm standing in a place of healing, and I'm to be God's priest in that moment. Exciting.
I also resolve to voluntarily put myself in those positions where *I'm* the guy confessing, bringing my sin to priests of God, and humbly coming under their ministry and counsel. This is sometimes the harder knot to tie, but life is there. James said "confess your sins to each other if you want to be healed." So, down with covering. God says "I hate a man covering himself." You may as well see me for who I am. It will shatter the false image I often present: that I always have God's interests at heart, that I always desire the low place or repentance, that I am always aware of everything, and choose accordingly. Yes, that will be shattered, but I do want to be truly known, and in that, to more fully know God.
Genesis 3:10
He answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid."
Psalm 32:5
Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD "— and you forgave the guilt of my sin. Selah
Isaiah 59:6 They can't cover themselves with what they make
Ezekiel 13:14
I will tear down the wall you have covered with whitewash and will level it to the ground so that its foundation will be laid bare.
Malachi 2:16
"I hate a man's covering himself with violence as well as with his garment," says the LORD Almighty
Luke 8:16
"No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.
1 Corinthians 11:7
A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God
1 Peter 2:16
Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God