Friday, December 13, 2013

Prophetic Word From Denis Beausejour

I see a fork in the road with Jesus saying “Come follow me”. 

I sense the Lord is calling us to move beyond addition in our disciple making and to move to multiplication. Biblical knowledge is no longer to be the sign of maturity but rather obedience and fruitfulness and reproduction. I sense Jesus saying “I am going to have you bear much fruit if you abide in obedience.”

I believe the Spirit is asking us to stop muffling Jesus words with human traditions. Those who have ears to hear are those who approach His Word with a desire for uncompromising obedience. The commands of Jesus are the textbook for discipleship in lifestyle. We must obey in repentance, Spirit-filled living, prayer, generosity, restored marriages and relationships, and making disciples.

Get your disciples ready for the church to move underground. The coming season will be a time of revival and awakening contrasted with growing evil and persecution. We must not allow the cares of the world to distract us. Set the plow and do not look back. Become poor so that others may inherit eternal riches. Loving one another will become more and more practical as we share our resources.

Prayer will release the coming move of God. Will you seek me in the school of Kingdom prayer? I am releasing Body ministry through the priesthood of all believers. I am obliterating the clergy/laity divide and calling everyone to ministry. Leaders streamline your budgets and engage in tent making. Simplify.

Open your hearts and open your homes. Grasp my definition of family - the Father’s Household. Fathers and mothers will turn to the next generation and build networks of extended households where the next generation is disciple systematically for reproduction. Generations will come together in the Body. Unity and love will prevail in my Church by the power of the Spirit.